Shakiso Tero

SGD 21.00

Guji, located in southern Ethiopia within the Oromia region, sits adjacent to the Gedeo Zone where the renowned Yirgacheffe micro-region is found. Characterized by its steep, lush terrain and high altitudes exceeding 2,000 meters, Guji was previously categorized under Sidamo, a larger zone in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR). However, recent developments, including the establishment of an ECX coffee delivery center, have led to Guji being recognized as a distinct coffee-producing area, attributed to the unique cup profile and physical attributes of its beans.

Approximately 85% of Ethiopians still reside in rural areas, relying on agriculture for their livelihoods. In Guji, where households typically inhabit modest dwellings like mud huts, coffee cultivation is a primary source of income, occupying land plots ranging from half a hectare to 1.5 hectares. Often grown alongside coffee is another cash crop called 'false banana', which not only provides shade for the coffee but also yields nutritious flour and a fermented paste, serving as staple ingredients in southern Ethiopia.

This coffee was cultivated by smallholder farmers residing near the town of Shakiso in Guji's Oromia Region. Most of these farmers own less than a hectare of land and cultivate coffee as a supplementary cash crop. After hand-selecting quality red cherries, farmers receive a cash incentive, typically exceeding market prices, from the coffee exporter, Primrose, ensuring superior overall quality. The cherries are meticulously delivered to nearby mill collection points, sorted to remove any defects, and then transported to the wet mill for further processing.

At the mill, the cherries go through several steps: they're first floated, then rushed through water channels, pulped, and moved to fermentation tanks, where they ferment for 48 to 72 hours depending on the weather, which is cooler due to the altitude. After fermentation, the coffee undergoes a thorough washing in water channels, using a tool to remove any remaining mucilage. Once clean, the coffee is spread out on raised beds to dry in the sun. The parchment is covered during the peak of the day to protect it from the sun, preventing harsh cracking.

This coffee offers a vibrant citrus aroma akin to bergamot, complemented by a lively acidity reminiscent of blueberries. It leaves a lingering sweetness of ripe apricots on the palate.

Process: Fully Washed
Varietal: 74110, 7412
Origin: Guji, Ethiopia
Tasting Notes:
Bergamot, Apricot, Blueberry

Suitable for filter & espresso
Available only in 200 grams

Recommended to rest beans for 7-10 days from roast date before consuming

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